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Word Processor View menu

Normal View

The Normal command displays normal view (active when checked), to display page breaks as horizontal lines, and to not display headers, footers, and footnotes.

Page View

The Page command displays page layout view (active when checked), to display a document as it will print. The page outline, text, margins, headers, footers, footnotes, and objects display in their actual size and position. Page layout works only when the display mode(3- 7) is set to Page.

Redraw Line

Redraw Line updates the line containing the insertion point(5- 1). This is handy to refresh just one line after entering text when annotations are turned on. See Redraw Line when in Doubt(5- 6).

Redraw Paragraph

Redraw Paragraph redraws and reforms the paragraph containing the insertion point(5- 1). Use this when you want to see the effects of formatting, text entry or deletion, on a paragraph, but don't want to move the insertion point(5- 1). Otherwise, press the Up or Down arrow key to reform the paragraph.

Redraw Window

Redraw Window refreshes the active window. This is handy after manually entering a format code(D- - 3) to change the formatting, and want to see how the change affects the rest of the document.


The Zoom dialog magnifies or reduces the document display. After magnifying, you can scroll to see more, or continue to edit different parts of the page.

133% displays the default 12 point type at 16 points for optimum viewing.

200% works similarly for the 24 point font.

  1. Custom specifies any zoom factor. Type or select a number between 25% and 800%. Note: If you do not have the exact font size installed to display the size you select, Smart Characters will scale the closest sized font.
To zoom a document to fit into your window, you can choose one of the following. You do not need to choose the OK button to close the dialog.

Margin Width displays the complete text to the page margins.

Page Width zooms to the page width.

Fit Page displays the entire page in the document window.

Shortcut: click one of the four the Zoom buttons on the toolbar.

View Annotations

The Annotations command toggles between fluent and annotated mode, which displays variable word spacing(4- 14), pronunciations, variable character spacing, and notes glosses(D- - 4), and adjusts line spacing to match.

Display Mode

The Display Mode settings affect the way the document displays, and tells Smart Characters what kind of document it is.
  1. Hypertext Display Mode selects the way hypertext references are handled. Generally, Smart Characters switches to hypertext(D- - 4) mode if it encounters a hypertext topic header(12- 3) or topic reference(12- 3). Hypertext mode replaces the insertion point(5- 1) with a hypertext selection highlight that responds to the mouse and arrow keys.
  1. Cell highlights just the topic reference.
  2. Line highlights each line that includes a reference.
  3. StrikeOut suppresses hypertext mode and displays topic references as StrikeOut text.
  4. Hide also suppresses hypertext, and displays the text normally. Use Hide to author hypertext, or if you want to use the insertion point to make a selection for standard copy and paste.
Ascii Only displays the document in ASCII format, as displayed by the DOS Type command, or as displayed by an DOS English text editor or word processor. The Ascii Codes(5- 5) window and Ascii Only display text according to DOS code page(D- - 2) 437 (see code space(D- - 2) and Ascii Chart(5- 5)).

Black and White turns off the color display of text. This is handy if your system is monochrome, or not as sharp in color as in black and white. This is particularly useful for the lengthy display of hypertext topics and references.

  1. Status Indicators selects whether or not Smart Characters tracks page numbers and how format codes(D- - 3) are interpreted. The insertion point location(5- 2) indicators on the status bar(5- 2) change to reflect the setting.
  1. Line displays text file coordinates (lines and columns) as would be displayed in a text editor (e.g., NotePad). Line mode is handy for list-type documents such as vocabulary lessons(D- - 8) and dictionaries.
  2. Page, the default, treats a document like a word processor, as a collection of pages. It displays page dimension coordinates (x and y) and draws page break lines in the text in normal view. Page mode is required for page layout view.
  3. Window display mode is identical to Line, except that line numbers are relative to the last hypertext jump.
The Status Indicators interact with the View | Page Layout and Normal commands, which draw the page against a background, or fill the window with text aligned to the left margin. They also interact with the Hypertext Mode selection, and the presence of hypertext headers and topic references.

Show Codes

The Show Codes command hides and displays text and hidden codes(D- - 4) in the Ascii Codes(5- 5) window, which displays just above the status bar(5- 2). The line with the insertion point(5- 1) is displayed in ASCII format according to DOS code page(D- - 2) 437. See Ascii Chart(5- 5).

To be able to interpret the display, you will need a knowledge of object type codes(5- 11), format codes(D- - 3), keyboard mapping(D- - 5), and Smart Characters' type rules(4- 2). See the example in The Object Type is Volatile(4- 14) and Working with Codes(5- 7).

Show Toolbar

The Show Toolbar command displays and hides the toolbar, which includes buttons for some commonly used commands. Display the toolbar to provide easy access to commands, or hide it to increase the document display area. A check mark appears next to the command name when the toolbar is displayed.

Note: to display the entire toolbar, widen the main frame window.

Show Ruler

The Show Ruler command displays and hides the ruler, a bar with a measurement scale and markers for changing paragraph indents, adjusting margins, and setting tabs. A check mark appears next to the command name when the ruler is displayed.
Drag Triangle To upper left Indent the first line of a paragraph from the left indent. lower left Indent a paragraph from the left margin. To move it independently of the first line indent, hold down the Shift key and drag the lower left indent triangle. right Indent a paragraph from the right margin.

Show Hidden

The Hidden Characters command opens and closes the hidden characters window(5- 4), which also can be closed using its own system menu.

Show Status

The Status Bar command toggles the status bar(5- 2).

Units Of Measure

Set the units of measure you wish to use. See Entering Measurement Units(3- 25).

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Last Modified: March 23, 1996

Copyright © 1996 Apropos, Inc.